Turbo Beaver Plane
Adventure seekers getting ready to get on a Turbo Beaver plane on the runway in Churchill, Manitoba to fly out to the Seal River Heritage Lodge on the coast of Hudson Bay at the Seal River Estuary
Note: Not released. Publisher takes full responsibility of ensuring persons or private property are not recognizable if image is to be used for commercial purposes and assumes all risks associated with such publication.
- Copyright: Ron Erwin
- Contact: images@ronerwin.com
- Original: digital
- Orientation: horizontal
- Tiff Size Available: 60MB
- Uploaded: November 21 2009
- Keywords:
Adventure, seekers, adventuring, adventurous, Turbo Beaver, plane, planes, runway, runways, Churchill, Manitoba, airport, airports, fly, Seal River Heritage Lodge, coast, coasts, coastline, Hudson Bay, Seal River, Estuary, people, coats, winter, snow, season, seasons, person, travel, tourism, tourists, transportation
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